The Art of Reiki - Complementary Healing Therapy

The Reiki Practitioner gently rests his/her hands over a person's body in a series of hand positions that covers the receivers head, trunk, legs and feet. Energy flows through the practitioners hands to the client's body. A reiki practitioner receives this ability through a series of attunements or initiations from a Reiki Master. Level I allows the practitioner to connect to the reiki I feel we need to do whatever is in our power to help the patient.  We provide state of the art medicine in our office, but healing is a multidimensional process...I endorse the idea that there is a potential healing that can take place utilizing energy.
~Dr. David Guillon, 
an oncologist at Marin Generalchannel. Level II enables the practitioner to provide distant or remote healing. Level III initiates the practitioner to become a Reiki Master, or a teacher of reiki.

In general a person who receives reiki experiences a feeling of warmth flowing in and around, thus restoring energy and balance. Most people experience a tremendous sense of calmness and stress relief. Reiki is a safe complementary modality included today in many types of physical or emotional healing.


The Art of Reiki is located at: 5 Broadway Suite 201 Troy, NY 12180 ph.- (518) 270-5288

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